Always Say a Prayer !

6 Months after THM

OK here they are real life pictures of me when I started Trim Healthy Mama and after 6 months. These are not photo shopped pictures, nothing fancy just me in black work out clothes.  
At the first of the year ,I was at my heaviest weight ever and just needed to do this for myself.  
As I said before I started and was doing very well, but some life altering changes kind of stalled me out. I had lost almost 25 lbs by mid April,and maintained all but 7 lbs after April by just trying to make good meal choices.
It's now end of July and I really need to get focused again so that I can keep moving towards my goal. 
Another thing to keep in mind is I don't exercise much, I need to work on that too...
I hope this helps you see that you can do Trim Healthy Mama too!

Order THM Products

THM Pg.382 Special Agent Brownie Cake -S


This is so easy and yummy!

1 can drained black beans into a blender
2 eggs
4 egg whites
3 Tbs. cocoa powder (calls for 4 but I prefer less)
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda 
2 Tbs. coconut oil or butter
2 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup ricotta or cream cheese ( i use cream cheese) 

Sweetener Options: 
4-5 TBS. THM sweet blend 
OR ... rounded 1/2-3/4 tsp. THM pure stevia extract  powder
OR...a combo of both 1/4-1/3 cup THM Sweet blend and 1/4 tsp. THM pure stevia extract powder
OR I use liquid stevia to taste

Process in blender for 3-5 minutes
Pour into a greased baking pan/ try and bake at 350 for 30-35 mins. 

I like them with spray whippy (whip cream) 


THM Bacon Naughty Noodles


Whip this up for a quick S (satisfying) lunch or dinner in under five minutes flat! Not Naughty Noodles come without carbs or calories so they are ultra-slimming yet very filling.
~Rinse and drain a packet of Not Naughty Noodles (konjac noodles)
~Toss in a pan with butter and parmesan cheese then add some cooked bacon and capers.
~You’re done!

Trim Healthy Mama
Recipe by Joanna H
You can find Not Naughty Noodles here:…/1085-455175422.htm

Since there were no measurements I just dumped it all in and warmed up in a skillet.  I  used one bag of my local groceries stores konjac noodles to try, since I've never ordered the naughty noodles from THM . 
The noodles themselves have a little fishy order when you open the bag, I just rinsed of with water. 
They don't taste bad and I could see using them in place of pasta for sure, so I'm excited about that option. 
I did get a little over zealous with the capers, they are salty so with the bacon the salty taste is a little over whelming. Over all it wasn't awful I ate it all, I just thought it was a little to salty for me. 

I will have to try the noodles with some other ingredients and let you know how that goes. I love pasta and all things Italian so the noodles will defiantly become part of my regular grocery list.  


THM Recipes and Reviews

Trim Healthly Mama Book


If you have struggled with losing weight I would defiantly give this a read. It's not a diet plan it is more like a life style, one you have to choose. If you are a sugar addict, I will be honest it will be hard at first. Face it who doesn't like sweet sugary treats, but after a week everything on the plan starts to taste sweet. I have tried the THM plan and it works! You can read more about my THM journey under the the THM tab on my BLOG Faith, Holp, Love. 
I share THM recipe reviews and tips an much more.

 " this is a powerful book on how words can change our lives"

Words... They can seem tiny and insignificant, but they have tremendous power. They create our atmosphere, ignite psychological connections, shape our thinking, determine our actions, and ultimately construct our reality. Our words can strengthen relationships or tear people down, lead to success or ruin a lifetime’s legacy. Words can truly change our world. It’s up to you to determine whether that change will be for better or for worse.

The words you allow to flow from your mouth will shape your circumstances. This practical guide will show you how to choose your words wisely in order to create the life you want.

What if you practiced speaking encouragement to your spouse, your children, or your friends? Instead of focusing on what they do wrong and nitpicking their faults, what if you started treating them as if they already were all they could be? What if your words grew out of the vision of their fulfilled potential instead of their current reality? You would begin to see them grow and flourish in ways you never imagined. Those are the kind of words that have the power to affect people for a lifetime. Trust me, the people in your life already know what their problems and weaknesses are; they don’t need you to tell them. When you become a source of encouragement to them rather than a faultfinder and self-appointed problem-fixer, you are cooperating with God in building them into who he wants them to be.
Tongue Pierced Nelson Searcey

“Mental Script”
Every accomplishment in your life—whether it’s how well you do in school, what level you ascend to in your professional life, or how you manage your household—is directly linked to how you feel about yourself, to whether or not you think you are capable and worthy of living life at the highest level. And what defines your evaluation of your own capabilities and worth? What you say about yourself when you talk to yourself. Or as author Stephen Covey likes to put it, the “mental script” from which you operate.
Your mental script has been developing since the day you were born. It began with what your parents said to you. If your parents, intentionally or otherwise, made comments that led you to believe you weren’t smart enough, cute enough, or good enough, those hurtful words and the emotions that accompany them started setting the foundation for how you see yourself. Along the way, friends, teachers, and personal experiences have built on that foundation, shaping how you think about yourself and thereby shaping what you think you can do and be in this world. After all, what you believe about yourself determines how you feel about yourself; how you feel about yourself dictates your daily actions; and your daily actions added up over time determine your level of accomplishment in the areas of life that are important to you.
When you and I wake up to this reality, we can begin to filter the contents of our mental script through the sieve of truth, keeping what’s beneficial and discarding what’s not—a process that’s at the full potential God has put in us. If we don’t we will end up living out our stories based on the incomplete and often inaccurate scripts that have been handed to us by others.
You get to decide what mental script you allow to direct your thoughts and dictate your days—the script that has come to you from well-intentioned but often misguided people speaking out of their own poor scripts, or a script based on the true identity God has given you. Choose wisely; your decision will determine the directives your subconscious mind receives and thereby control the direction and quality of your life.
Tongue Pierced Nelson Searcy

Did you know we don't speak neutral words, are words have a direction to them.
If we SPEAK WORDS of LIFE we're speaking encouragement, hope, love, peace, unity, instruction, wisdom, and correction.

If we SPEAK WORDS of DEATH we're speaking anger, malice, slander, jealousy, gossip, division, content, racism, violence, judgment and condemnation.

Lets Challenge ourselves today to choose words that SPEAK LIFE and not death!
Proverbs 18:21

As a Man Thinketh
by James Allen

Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master.

Trim Healthy Mama Start Up Guide

Here is a link to A favorite Blogger of mine Gwen's Nest she offer's a THM start up guide it's about 40 pages and can help you get going on your THM journey.

What's inside ?

  • a guide to flagging your book sections
  • grocery shopping list maker
  • a short study guide to get you really digging into your book
  • tips
  • my favorite recipes
  • a handy printable sweeteners chart
  • a suggested ‘quick start’ plan for tackling the change a little at at time…you’ll be fully on plan in just under a month.
  • and LOTS more! 40 pages of great content and links. 


Faith Words

"We think words are not that important because we think of words as little utilitarian tools for making our life easier and more efficient, when they are actually a powerful gift given by a communicating God for his divine purpose"
                                                                          Paul David Tripp

Faith Photos

The Hope Quotient is a revolutionary new method for gauging-and dramatically increasing-your level of hope. Hope is so much more than a feeling, it’s the byproduct of seven key factors, which, when they are present in your life, cause hope to thrive.

  • FACTOR 1 Recharge your Batteries
  • FACTOR 2 Raise your Expectations
  • FACTOR 3 Refocus on the Future
  • FACTOR 4 Play to your Strengths
  • FACTOR 5 Refuse to go it Alone
  • FACTOR 6 Replace Burnout with Balance
  • FACTOR 7 Play Great Defense
Using powerful Biblical illustrations and compelling human interest stories, Pastor Ray shows you how to unleash hope:
  • In your MARRIAGE
  • In your KIDS
  • In your CAREER
  • In your CHURCH
  • In your COMMUNITY
  • In the WORLD

My Trim Healthy Mama Start

I started my  Trim Healthy Mama journey in February of this year. It took me about a week to read through the book as its 607 pages long. Don't let the length stop you from this journey as a good portion of it is filled with recipes.
The ladies explain a lot of science behind the THM life style and it is really good to understand the hows & whys of this program.
You can dive right in and get started if that's your style. I like to take my time read through everything and get organized.
My thought is you set yourself up for better success when you are organized and understand what it is you are trying to accomplish.

In two months I lost approximately 16 lbs, now that might not sound huge to you but it is for me! I have surgical menopause and thyroid issues, so basically my fat is super stubborn.  On the up side my husband usually looses more weight then me and this time I kept up with him. He always jumps in to diet with me but prefers the Weight Watchers plan.

I haven't been actively doing the plan as life kind of took another direction for a few months. The first and major life changer was  my father suddenly passed on April 10th, he was only 67. It took me almost until the end of May to even start to feel normal again. Grief is hard and food is like comfort to your sole. 

The second life changer is after having an empty nest for 2 years my son moved back home. This was a good change, but it did keep this THM off her normal cooking routine. I wanted to make all his favorite foods, just because it was so fun having him back home again.

The third is our business life got really stressful with lots of work and no workers. My husband and I own a remodeling company and it's not a normal 9-5 job. We eat lunches out everyday, we have appointments after 5pm and with the 40 min commute we often get home late.

I have gain back a few pounds since I went off the THM wagon, but whats important is that I am back doing my THM life! I don't want to gain all the weight back, because it feels to good having it off...

Since I live a pretty busy life style I need to be more organized about my food prep and eating out. This will be my mission and I hope to share the ideas and tips in my following posts. If you have any of your own please share!