6 Months after THM

OK here they are real life pictures of me when I started Trim Healthy Mama and after 6 months. These are not photo shopped pictures, nothing fancy just me in black work out clothes.  
At the first of the year ,I was at my heaviest weight ever and just needed to do this for myself.  
As I said before I started and was doing very well, but some life altering changes kind of stalled me out. I had lost almost 25 lbs by mid April,and maintained all but 7 lbs after April by just trying to make good meal choices.
It's now end of July and I really need to get focused again so that I can keep moving towards my goal. 
Another thing to keep in mind is I don't exercise much, I need to work on that too...
I hope this helps you see that you can do Trim Healthy Mama too!

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